Friday, March 13, 2015

Wearing trousers and planting trees

Hiya! Yalrigh? Nice week innit?  
Yesterday we taught a girl named J. She is from China! We started to teach her and I realised she never has believed in God. Thought Process: What do I do know!? How do I help her establish a relationship with Heavenly Father? What did Ammon do?
After that I was alright. We taught her about Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ His son, and about the Holy Ghost and how to pray. She gave a beautiful prayer asking if He really was there. It was very special.
We had a miracle this week! We have an investigator (V) who is from Ukraine. Sister Mahaffey has been teaching her since October, she just hasn't been commiting to come to church. Ready for the Miracle? An elder straight from UKRAINE and from the MTC just moved to our zone. He has only been out for a week!  His name is Elder Calabonko. He came on exchange to help us teach Victoria. He was able to testify to her in Ukrainian of the gospel, of his conversion, of coming to church, the Book of Mormon. everything. He even testified to her about the temple. When she heard about the temple she said to us,
 "Why didn't you tell me about this before!"
Elder Calabonko told us afterwards that this lesson was the first time he really felt the spirit on his mission. And guess what!? V made it to the last 10 minutes of Relief Society!! YAY! 
On Saturday, Sister Foster called us up and asked if we could help plant trees at the school where she works. We said ABSOLUTELY! We went over to her house early in the morning and they cooked us pancakes and bacon with orange juice and rolls! UH SO GOOD. Then we changed into trousers-UH SO GOOD! I love wearing trousers. And we went to the school and planted trees with some other youth and YSA. Its so cool cause now when I leave, there will be trees in an England School yard that a 19 year old american missionary planted. :). I felt so spoiled by the food and the fun activity. I just loved it. 
We visit these older ladies in nursing homes, and it is such a priveledge to be in their presence. One of them was going to bed when we popped in, and she asked us to help her with her garment top. We were both out of our comfort zones but I realized that she felt safe, and we knew how special they were. 
Sister Mahaffey and I sang Daddy's version of a Poor Wayfaring man of Grief at zone conference. I was really worried because I am so congested and have a sore throat, but Heavenly Father made it work. :) We also had some saint donate Girls Scout  cookies!! Sister Mahaffey had a whole box of Somoas! HEAVEN! It was so so great. :)  
There is a family in this ward thats last name is Fagg. Their daughter Jade, is at the Provo MTC learning french! They have another daughter whose name is Chloe and their son (who is 8) is Nate. I just love them so much. They make me happy. :). 
Sister Vivian Clark took us to get Mcdonalds the other day and I felt like a little kid:). it was good and fun. 
How is your cough?  My cough is slowly going away. I got some extra sleep on saturday because I just was not feeling well, and I am doing much better today. 

 Do people in London eat with their left hand? They have a fork in one hand and a knife in the other. :) Lunch time is 'Tea' and yes I have been invited to 'tea' :).

Also, the prams. Isn't it cold? Are the prams on the street? in the stores?  The prams are equipped with mini-sleeping bag things that the kids are wrapped up in. They also have huge sheets of plastic that cover the pram when it rains.  But its just like in Call the Midwife with soo many women pregnant with little kids and prams. Some of the prams fit 3 kids on them. I'll try and take a picture. 
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Please send me letters! They make my day
Sister Coleman

Sister Coleman planting trees and happily wearing "trousers".

Sister Coleman with Sister Jordan ( mission presidents wife) for training.

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