Monday, February 2, 2015

Flaming popcorn, the smell of freedom and the church is true.

Hiya yalrigh?
This week we cleaned out the relief society cupboard  for Sister Collis -now it looks so beautiful! 
We have a new investigator named J! She is from England and is a University student at Christ Church University.  She is so funny! She gave us a lift in her car the other day and there was Mcdonalds over the seat. She apologised for it but I said, 
'no worries it just smells like America.'

 Elder Convey and Sister Andersen

Elder Mongelli and Faggs

Then J said, 'YA! It smells like FREEDOM!' 
hahaha. It made my day. She is so fantastic. When we taught her about the fall of Adam and Eve and how Heavenly Father knew this was going to happen she said, 'That makes so much sense! I like that way more than what I was taught before!'. 
We had a miracle this week. We went to go see a potential investigator named Z and she was home! She invited us in to her home to teach her. As we sat down, her mother, her auntie, AND her Nan also came in to hear our message. The spirit was so strong as we testified, and they all agreed to read the book of Mormon and pray to know if it is true. 
This week Sister Andersen and I tried to make peanut butter cookies to take to the members in our area, they are decent haha. The fact that we are in England and not Utah has had a large impact on our success haha. 
We met with a member named N. She is from Bulgaria and has a physical handicap in her hands and legs. She is a Vegan and is writing a paper on persuading people to be vegan. She invited us over to help her make a vegan Bulgarian dish with her friend S. It was soya milk with sugar and some Bulgarian sauce. It tasted like porridge without the oats. - So yummy! 
Our microwave caught on fire! ahh! haha. We finally had found some popcorn, but when we tried to cook it our microwave caught fire! I was trying to put it out and Sister Andersen just watched for a second. it was rather funny. So the Senior Missionary couple, the Jones, bought us a new one! Its so nice! I also figured out that if you can cook popcorn over the stove :)
I also experimented with guacamole! (it wasnt as good as daddy's)
I tried to mail Andrew a birthday card 2 weeks ago but it just came back to me (I gave the wrong stamp) so  I will mail that out shortly once again, and no Andrew I did not forget your birthday! 
I loved my letter from Nater with his pictures and his story of the mouse and the motorcycle! It made me so so happy. Thank you for your letters! I am getting a transfer call next week so please send all mail to the mission home address in case I move and never get the letter:
64-68 Princes Gate
Exhibition Road
thanks :)
I have remembered this week that we really are children of God. I am a daughter of God, created in similitude of His Only Begotten Son. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I fear no man. I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me. In Ether chapter 12 we learn that it is AFTER the trial of our faith that we see miracles. And then BY our faith God exercises His power in our behalf. 
I love you! 
love, Sister Coleman

pictures are of Elder Convey and Sister Andersen, Elder Mongelli and Faggs. 

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