We went to the Zoo! YAY! I LOVED it! I fed a giraffe and an elephant and some birds. Sister Wai held a coacroach! We saw soo many cool animals. We had so much fun as a district! We even gave the bird lady a pass along card. :) I did NOT like the ant exhibit.
We have our Ipads! They have already been a miracle! The other night we were out walking an saw a man sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. We sat next to him, asked him for directions. He ended up showing us pictures of his kids and we ended up showing him 'Because of Him'. He said he had never seen anything like it. And that he felt something. 'Something weird , like inner peace. but more than that. It feels weird.'
We testified to him of Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost. It was very sacred.
The iPad training was brilliant. All about having a plan when you feel vulnerable (aka hungry angry bored tired alone.) Sound familiar? :) #ihavethebestparentsever
And the other focus was the atonement.
And Guess what!? Elder Holland is coming to visit us at the beginning of June!! AHH!
We have seen so many miracles with our investigators this week. Please keep praying for them. We are hoping to see them baptised at the end of May.
Thank you so much for the package! I laughed at everything inside. Only my mother would mail me bean dip. hahahahahahaha. It was like our Christmas Stockings. It was so so great. I loved it!
I told Sister Wai that you had deliberately sent some of the items to just her. She doesn't get mail and I can tell she really wants some. Her family emails her, she just doesn't get pacakages or snail mail. Could Nate mail her a picture? :)
On that note- Transfers are this week! and I am ...............Staying! In Colchester with.... Sister
Wai! YAY! I am so happy. We have too much work to do to be moved. :)
I love the two talks you sent me. I am learning sooo much from them. I understand so much more. Thank you for sending them.
Some insight I had today during personal study:
Splinters. They hurt. But pulling them out can hurt too. Sometimes you have to dig, cut some skin, push, pull. Change the angle. Get some good lighting. Sometimes while you are pulling it out, it breaks. Then you have to dig some more. Often you can't get splinters out yourself. Sometimes you just can't get it out. You have to wait for it to loosen or come out on its own. But it always feels better once it is out.
I have a spiritual splinter. It's name is 'Fear of Man'.( approaching and striking up conversations ) But Heavenly Father is helping me pull it out. He is pushing and pulling, changing the angle and the lighting. He has gotten out some big pieces. Only the little bits are left. I've had to walk on it a bit, try to pull it out by myself. But, only He has the right angle, light, and tools that will work. I just need to trust Him and sit still long enough to just let Him pull it out! I have to trust Him that even though it may hurt while he pulls and pushes, I will feel better in the end with it gone.
If we let a splinter sit in our skin, it may get infected,l cause diease, or who knows, we could even lose the tissue! if we leave it too long. Do not wait. Let the Master heal you. Let Him remove your splinters. As He is removing mine. :)
This week was great! Right now we have 4 people scheduled for baptism! What a miracle!
The first is C our awesome Costa Rican friend. He wasn't going to make it to Stake Conference this week but then a member gave him some petrol money and he drove an hour by himself to Ipswich for Stake Conference! #windowsofheaven
The next two are P and J. P is just tearing through the Book of Mormon. He loves reading the scriptures. He loved when we taught him about Joseph Smith.
We didn't know how we were going to get this family to church this week because all of the children need booster seats (the 3 little brothers 6, 5, and 3) to ride in a car and this family didn't have any.
We showed up to their door Sunday morning (hiked through the rain haha) and I braided these boys hair (they all have afros) and hurried out the door.... and missed the bus by 30 seconds. P hopped on his bike and rode to church (took him 45 minutes) and G (the mum) ended up calling a taxi for us! haha! So we all showed up to church in a taxi. I felt so posh!!!!!
Our taxi driver's uncle was a mormon as well! Which was cool cause we got to chat about that. #windowsofheaven
The fourth is a family we met on Tuesday. We had met the dad briefly at a bus stop before and when we saw him in town we recognized each other. We started chatting and his girlfriend came up to meet us. We started talking to her and she testified of how God is our Father. We testified as well and the spirit was so strong. She was in tears. We set up a return appointment and met with her on Friday. She is so prepared for the gospel. She was amazed at Joseph Smith's account. #windowsofheaven
I know this is the truth. I know that Heavenly Father loves us. We are his children. His crowning achievement. Even though we make mistakes and do silly things he still loves us. He weeps when we weep and rejoices when we succeed. He knows the desires of our hearts and will help us to attain them. He will never leave us alone. He sends angels to minister to us. The heavens are open for business. Ask and then listen. Heavenly Father always loves us.
The sun is shining! England is Green! And the church is true!
Love, Sister Coleman
How did your Mexican Pizza turn out? Was the crust stale? - I froze the crust as soon as I got it so it was YUMMY! The first round of pizzas was alright (a bit tooo tomatoey) the second round failed because I didn't soak the new black beans long enough haha but it was still yummy pizza from home :).
Are there beautiful flowers blooming? A couple months ago there were Daffodils EVERYWHERE. literally. it was gorgeous. They are mostly all gone but all the trees are PINK.
Did you ever take cookies to the Romanian bathroom man? Nope. Hopefully this week:)
I LOVE YOU! TALK TO YOU SUNDAY! ( Mother's Day phone call)
love, Sister Coleman
Snake from Harry Potter. -Burmese Python. I definitely tapped on the glass pretending to be Uncle Vernon and a little kid named Harry walked by.... :) I hope the snake is still in the tank.
Taking a Book of Mormon to my bear friends in the UK. ( Chloe's Mom here, only this girl who joined the BYU Wildlife and Game Club would even think this. Ha Ha) |
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