Thursday, July 2, 2015

Scriptures, Trust and Fathers


This week Andrews story of praying to know if he should proceed with
an amputation and then reading Jacob 5 in the Book of Mormon has been
on my mind. I keep thinking about it and reading the scripture and I
have shared it with a couple other people. Heavenly Father really does
hear and answer our prayers. When we open the scriptures with faith
that we will find answers. We will find them.

This week was really strange. Based on our numbers, it looks like we
had a fantastic week. But for some reason I felt like we didn't do
anything. And I just wasn't feeling happy. As I have pondered and
prayed the conclusion I have come to is that I haven't been trusting
Heavenly Father. And I need to trust him. President Hinckley once
said, 'it will all work out'. That is a promise from a prophet of God.
A promise from Heavenly Father, that when we trust him and love him
and strive with all that we are to follow him, it will all work out.

 There are many men in my life that have influenced my life for good.
Who have taught me a bit more about my Heavenly Father. The first of
course is my Daddy. Who has taught me countless things about myself
and life. He has been my protector and teacher. Someone who has taught
me about unconditional love. He is my first example of Christlike
love. He has given me the tools to my relationship with Heavenly
There are other men like my uncles, my bishops, my stake presidents
and my best friends dads who have taught me what it means to be
respected and cherished and showed me a bit more of how my Father in
Heaven must love me. I would like to add to this list my mission
father. My mission president David Jordan. He has taught me how to
work. How to continue to try better.
Heavenly Father loves us but also expects us to choose the right. He
will not let us settle for less than our greatest potential. He will
push and pull us to do the things that will shape us into 'heirs and
joint heirs with Christ' Ephesians 2: 19-20.Heavenly Father loves us.
He will never EVER abandon us.
I am so grateful for this knowledge and for the peace and hope it gives me.

This week I am going to work like a dragon to find and teach those
people that are searching for a relationship with God. I can't wait to
find them :).

Please pray for E and O that they will have the courage to set a
date for baptism. Please pray for G that she will recognise
that only Heavenly Father can help her life get better. Please pray
for L hat she will feel the Holy Ghost when we teach her.

I love you. I am so so grateful for you all. You letters always arrive
just when I need them most. I love you!

Sister Coleman

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