Monday, July 13, 2015

With all thy might.

Well I just love you all to bits. <3
I cried over every single email. But it was a good cry. Because I love you so so so SO much and I could feel how much you all must love me too. thank you for the Birthday wishes :) 
I just love this ward so much. There are no words for the love and the support and the encouragement and the shoulders to cry on (Its been a watery week), and the counsel that the relief society sisters of Colchester Ward have given me. I am forever grateful for the promptings they have recieved and followed in my behalf. 
This week we went finding. Street Contacting, and eventually on the latter end of the week resorted to tracting. (But it was positive! Tracting isn't as bad as I recalled it to be.) We found three new investigators. 2 of them just want to date us and keep sending us creepy text messages and the other isnt answering his phone ...... :) So we made a new plan to tract in all of the fairly recently built neighbourhoods where there are lots of young families who possibly haven't met missionaries yet. :) 
We did have one cool miracle where the person we were planning to visit had moved house so we were heading to a different place when I saw house number 125. and I couldn't stop thinking about it. SOO we HAD to knock. The guy who answered we had a great conversation with and found out he is a former investigator of the elders. We testified to him that Heavenly Father really wanted to be a part of his life again. His house was the only door we knocked on in that neighbourhood. It was really cool that Heavenly Father led us to him. 
We had another miracle. 
We went to the doctor for Sister Chou and on the way home I had the thought: 'I should call Gabrielle right now' (P's mom). So I called her and she answered! She said, 'I can see you right now! I'm just across the street. I'll be right over!' 
She came over and we started to chat. She had a cute wagon she was pulling her youngest son around in. While we were talking a member drove past with her friend that she has been planning to introduce to us! They honked and waved. 
We helped Gabrielle pull her wagon to a clinic she was going to and talked the whole way. Then when we helped her pick up her kids from school a former investigator family said 'hi' to us. We helped her get her kids home and then she asked us to come over next week and read some scriptures with her. It was a miracle day. 

Theme of my life right now. This is the gate outside of Colchester Castle. I noticed this for the first time and it really stuck with me. It reminded me of he 'where er thou art act well thy part' except this was a Chloe one. So now I'm going to find out what my might really is. :)
Colchester Castle Gate
'Do It With All Thy Might'
Lessons that I'm learning:
I need to just trust Heavenly Father. 
This is HIS work not mine.
He loves me even though I make silly mistakes everyday
I need to love and accept myself 
I love you all!! 
Sister Coleman

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